"One man's trash may be another man's treasure, but we all recognize a big steaming pile of crap when we step in it."

"Faith, Hope, Prudence, and Charity are the Sisters who nurture the soul. Cultivate your friendship with them and your spirit will thrive."

"The soul's calm lightness and heartfelt joy are the rewards of virtue. And a truly noble character, one of virtue, is carefully cultivated, it is not bestowed upon us."

"You reap what you sow, so make sure to throw plenty of wildflowers into the mix."

"The soul's calm lightness and heartfelt joy are the rewards of virtue. And a truly noble character, one of virtue, is carefully cultivated, it is not bestowed upon us."

"So, when you first learned that one plus one equals two, did you think that you had become a mathemetician? Just so, keep in mind that you are but a young student and you've only begun to understand your divine purpose, having learned only the basic fundamentals of an infinite equation."

"I would prefer to live a single day and know the wonder of pure, joyous love than to live a thousand years without."

"Once in a while, we all grow weary from pouring our love into nothing. Store it in a precious vessel, where it will mature like a fine wine."

"Don't bother complaining to the angels. They have their own list of grievances."
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Magenta Zephyr
& the Universe Bender
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