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Submit a Quote to
The Great Cosmic Book
Author's Page
Magenta Zephyr
& the Universe Bender
"We strive with feeble wings to soar upon a divine wind."

"Because something can be done is not reason enough that it should be done."

"Wisdom, despite our best efforts, is often thrust upon us by adversity."

"The darkest days of our lives can also be the most enlightening."

"Everything is as it should be. God created the Devil and knew what would follow."

"If Fate throws you into the stream, you must swim! Swim! Swim!"

"Seek truth wherever it may be found, but beware of those who profess it. Our enlightened teachers often utter meaningless words shrouded in imagery and mystery, while children and fools, in their innocence, serve us with words of profound wisdom."

"In order to get the utmost enjoyment when eating candies, the important things to remember are to eat them one at a time, savor them slowly, and the red ones always taste best."

"Envy inspires those who are virtuous at heart and corrupts those who are feeble in spirit."

"There is a point beyond gaudy where tackiness transforms into style."

"It has often been said that you can not have too much of a good thing. However, if your bodily functions become adversely affected, it is a sure sign that you need to slow down."
 By submitting a quote, you are certifying that your quote is wholly original and you are giving permission to the publishers of this site for your quote to be displayed on this web site and/or used in any printed editions of "The Great Cosmic Book."
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The editors hope that you will consider submitting your own tidbits of profound wisdom for inclusion in THE GREAT COSMIC BOOK. Remember, the simpler the better. If possible, keep your quotation down to three sentences or less. Submissions must be wholly original and hopefully have a humorous twist. Share some of your collected wisdom with the children of the universe by adding to the collective consciousness. E-mail your quote to: